Hawaiian Airlines Dreamliners

Will Hawaiian Dreamliners Get Trounced By Huge UAL Order?

Can Boeing keep both Hawaiian Airlines and United Airlines happy and deliveries on track with this aircraft that’s critical to Hawaii travel?

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15 thoughts on “Will Hawaiian Dreamliners Get Trounced By Huge UAL Order?”

  1. When an airline orders aircraft, both the price and delivery schedules are negotiated. Just like Amazon sometimes misses my delivery date, so do aircraft delivery dates. However, all of these orders are slotted and I don’t see any airlines deliveries changed due to UA’s order.

  2. I bet I’m not the only one thinking membership in the mile high club will skyrocke, especially if they have sliding doors for more privacy. Alooooooha!

  3. I am Excited for the United Acquisition but not so much for Hawaiian as I believe that Hawaiian has been overcharging passengers for a long time. The Rah-Rah from, and towards, Hawaiian being the home team has been overblown for too long. The Only Reason that HAL has lowered prices is that the competition is a heated one that could bring SWA the Dominant Airline to Hawaii. The HAL Commitment to Hawaii has totally changed since They Announced that they are going after Profits and no more donations.

    1. Ernie, Hawaiian is very much a source of pride for many that live here and it’s success is Hawaii’s success. Like Bank of Hawaii, it’s one of the more successful companies in it’s field and it’s a local company. You sound like someone calling Duke Kahanamoku an over rated swimmer. The people not from Hawaii that come over here and start bashing the locals or local institutions are a major source of the conflict that exists in the tourism market.

        1. Ernie when you bash HA you are bashing a Hawaii institution, as is Duke. To suggest SWA should replace HA is an affront to the people that live in Hawaii. You can’t disrespect HA without disrespecting Tens of thousands of people that live in Hawaii….the employees and their families. If you don’t get it that defines you. Fortunately they are not the norm but people disrespectful of Hawaii coming here is a very sore spot for those that live here.

          1. Dear John, disrespect or an honest appraisal of the situation that has existed where a company has been able to overcharge customers and previously return a small amount back into the community to keep an appreciative, loyal, Hawaii? Replace HA with SWA, that would eliminate competition and I don’t advocate that. BTW, the “Millions” that inhabit Hawaii wouldn’t either. Employees don’t set Prices, that’s left to CEO’S and others. Duke, a wonderful place and person that brought so much to Hawaii and Hawaiian Lore, apparently some should look up the word as it’s Not Negative. I Don’t Disrespect He nor Hawaiians! Hopefully this clears things up.

          2. Yes Ernie! As often happens, people that appear at odds are not as far apart as they seem. I agree competition is good. All airlines charge more when there is no competition. Operationally SWA doesn’t know Hawaii well at all. In emergencies, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, serious economic shocks, etc HA is the only airline the State can really count on. There are a lot of uniquely Hawaiian institutions that often come under attack by outsiders was my point, including Duke.(Speaking of Duke,I hope you saw the movie Waterman? great movie!) HA is important to Hawaii. Let the people that care about Hawaii fly on Hawaiian in the same way the buy local program supports Hawaii. Some agree, some don’t. Aloha!

          3. BTW Ernie, I’m not sure where this “Hawaiian doesn’t give back to the community” perception comes from?? I live here and see a tremendous amount of grass roots support for all manor of good causes. I saw someone elsewhere on here say something about Alaska. All the other airlines combined don’t do for Hawaii what HA has done. Much of what they do may not be used as a marketing tool, but believe me, from schools to the environment and many other good causes, the company as well as the employees do a tremendous amount. Don’t be fooled by SWA’s well known aggressive self promotion tactics. Much of what Hawaiian does is done without that. HA embodies Aloha, SWA embodies loud predatory self promotion.

    2. Ernie I agree totally with you and then some!! However did you forget that Hawaiians are free to talk negatively about visitors/tourists etc but how dare we ever say a disparaging remark about locals or Aloha spirit. BTW if the natives want to justify paying extra and flying on HAL because the company gives a small % back to the community so be it, personally I prefer to keep my $$ in my pocket when I can. I leave it up to the individual companies to do with their profits as the deem necessary.

  4. No one cares about larger windows.
    More comfortable seating, better leg room would make a huge difference to Hawaii passengers.
    More importantly…perhaps a 2-5-2 seating arrangement so that families can easily sit together in the middle of the plan and couples or singles can sit without a 3rd party/stranger.

  5. I’ve flown on one 787 flight and it was great. The cabana suites will be a nice upgrade compared to HA 330 1st class seating arrangements. HA’s lie flats have a bad design for their footrest and I wished it wasn’t even there.

    1. Hi JoninSoCal.

      No reason to think prices will come down on Hawaii flights other than on those same, most competitive routes from California.


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