124 thoughts on “Will New Vaccination Passport Mandate Work and Become The Standard?”

  1. Interesting editorial in the Star Advertiser, apparently restaurants are including “de escalation training” ahead of implementation of the vaccine passport.
    With hospitals and staff here stretched to the max and triage tents being set up, decisions are having to be made as to who gets what level of care. Incoming patients can no longer be guaranteed that everything that could be done for them will be done. In addition patients in need of important elective surgery and potentially life saving testing are being denied. The Covid patients in the hospitals here, like elsewhere are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.
    Yet something as simple as letting vaccinated people dine in restaurants and requesting unvaccinated people to simply use the restaurants carry out option as a means to reduce spread has gotten pushback. The simple act of common sense steps to take that support the business economy and also would help to reduce the spread of Covid is too much for some.

    1. John W., It’s a shame that certain elements in our society have decided, for their own advantage, to politicize this pandemic. Now we are ALL paying for that, and it looks like our ability to finally end this is in serious jeopardy. People have messed around long enough that we are now seeing variants that might well be resistant to the current vaccines. The new Mu variant out of Columbia being an example. It’s showing up here in LA already, and I expect it to show up in Hawai soon, if it’s not there already. The only way that Hawaii can avoid it is if they go to pre-flight testing again, only this time for ANYONE flying into the state resident or visitor doesn’t matter. That’s the only way to keep the virus out.

  2. Fauci was just on saying that in his opinion this will be a yearly 3 shot regumine going forward. Everyone good with that? That’s vaccine cards going to fill up pretty fast.

    1. Where did you hear that? What I heard him says was “There was good reason to believe that a third dose “will actually be durable, and if it is durable, then you’re going to have very likely a three-dose regimen being the routine regimen”. Durable, as in lasts, as in not every year. The problem is going be that if enough people don’t get vaccinated that we will continue to see variant, and eventually variants that the current vaccine isn’t effective with. In that case, a new version of the vaccine will, indeed, be needed. Worst case is that we end up in the same position we are in now with the Flu were, indeed, we need to get a 3 shot regimen every year. That would be the Worst case. We can avoid that by more people just getting vaccinated so that the mutations stop.

  3. I recall Hawaii undertaking stronger similar measures over a year ago.

    The result? A billion dollar loss to the economy, a significant detraction from Hawaii’s tourism efforts, and a Hawaii awash in infections.

    What has changed so we may expect different results this time? Vaccines, of course.

    As of August 30, Hawaii had 45 percent of its population not fully vaccinated and 24 percent without having received any vaccine. And that is without consideration of the new 8 month “booster” requirement announcement.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t grasp how having one’s papers inspected at “Checkpoint Charlie” or having a timer set when one steps in to a local fast food establishment for a burger lead to significantly improving Hawaii’s vaccination or infection rate.

    Good luck with this Hawaii.

  4. New numbers out falling pretty quick like I said by sept13 they will be below 150. Never should have stopped the 72 hour test, then it took them over 2 months to after it was pretty obvious what was going on. So now they will be implementing something completely useless that makes things more complex. So what happens when the original vaccine has worn off due to waning immunity? Does the card need to be updated? then those that are unvaccinated, or vaccinated without the shot are banned? How long does this keep rolling? Just put the 72 hour test back in and end it.

    1. By Sept 13th, the Labor Day surge will be going on. I doubt any locals are cancelling plans for family gatherings unless they are already sick.

      Airlines should require tests to fly, anywhere, any direction.

      To get people vaccinated, there need to be more monetary penalties like Delta airlines – $200 month more for health insurance (bravo). And vaxxed only stadiums + concerts, etc.

        1. Where do you get those numbers? What the hospitals, and unfortunately more and more the morgues, are full of are unvaccinated people. It’s pretty simple, get vaccinated and don’t end up in the hospital or dead. Then you can also travel to Hawaii with very little in the way of hassle. Choose not to, and life is going to get harder and harder for you as the rest of us who are tired of paying the price for the choice you make to remain unvaccinated put more and more restriction into place. In other words, more and more “vaccine passports” are going to be popping up all over the place, including in Hawaii.

      1. Natural Immunity, which hundreds of thousands of people have is 700 Times more Preventative than the no longer useful and outdated Vax ( I know because my brother in law is CEO of a local hospital in California and his sister is CNO of an even bigger one- I know the facts on the ground)…NO one seems to want to talk about Natural Immunity which throughout history has always been preferred to any kind of concoction of injections. To Discriminate against those people not only goes against common sense, logic and reason but is Discrimination of the highest order! Just do the 72 hour test coming/going and let logic reign and allow Facts/fear.

        1. I’ll agree with you insofar as it goes. People who have had, and survived, COVID should be given a “vaccine card” so that they can go about their business just like someone who has been vaccinated. As you say, they have naturally developed antibodies against the virus.

          Having said that, there’s a lot of misinformation in your post I’d like to address, at least in reference to the mRNA based vaccines. First of all, the vaccine is HIGHLY effective. This has been shown over and over again. But it’s effectiveness seems to come in 2 parts. The first part is its ability to prevent infection at all. It’s most effective at this early on, and this ability degrades over time. This is why we are talking about a 3rd shot after 8 months. BTW, the studies done on this seem to suggest that natural immunity is good, but combined with the vaccine is GREAT. The question is should those folks who have had COVID get 1 or 2 shots. It’s looking like 1 is enough, but 2 doesn’t hurt. Ok, so that’s part 1. The second part is more long term. While the ability to protect against any infection at all degrades over time during that time the body is also building a long term ability to prevent severe illness. That ability can last for YEARS. If you’re interested in more information about this take a look at this link which describes all this in more detail and better than I can. npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/08/30/1032520934/immunity-to-covid-19-could-last-longer-than-youd-think

          1. Hello Joerg H.

            Good information I think we all should consider.

            At present, I don’t think we have sufficient consistent data regarding vaccines in the field to know how effective or ineffective they are over much of a window of time. This is due to them chasing a moving target that morphs relatively easily and quickly. Flu virus comes to mind. What may be effective today may not be so tomorrow. Regardless, it is a very good base to work from.

            That said, I agree the availble evidence shows current vaccines do increase protection against some currently identified forms as well as mitigate the effects of an infection. This being the case, they can act to relieve our medical facilities and slow things to a more manageable pace.

            But I think we might agree many must be vaccinated for this to work.

            The three primary reasons cited as to why individuals do not get the COVID vaccine.

            1. They don’t trust government.
            2. They don’t trust COVID vaccines.
            3. They don’t trust vaccines of any type.

            In the context of the issues presented in header of this BOH thread, I suggest: vaccine cards do not fix this; checkpoints do not fix this; test do not fix this; lock downs do not fix this; only having 15 minutes in McDonald’s does not fix this. Promulgating “them and us” policies do not fix this.

            In fact I truly wonder if these “quick fixes”, applied without open discussion and clear simple medical explanation as to necessity, are not assisting in causing this problem.

            We may well be feeding the very attitudes we need to starve.

          2. Heyward, while your take on “they don’t trust vaccines” is true it ignores why. This got politicized. A lot of fingerpointing and conspiracy lies were spread in the name of galvanizing a political base. We have become quite divided on the internet and for many people that’s their reality, now we are living with the consequences of political demonization of our fellow Americans.

          3. Heyward,

            I agree with John W’s comment about the lack of trust having been driven by the politicization of a public health issue. If only we had some kind of government agency that we spent billions of dollars on and that hired some of the most preeminent people in the field to help us work through all this and give us advice on how to handle the pandemic …

        2. Nita, while your premise that natural immunity should be looked at is valid, when you throughout comments like “700 times” and “outdated vaccine” you damage your credibility

        3. A lot more people would die, but for you?…maybe that’s the price we have to pay to get to “natural immunity”… vaccinations eradicated small pox world wide,
          not “natural immunity”
          Think about that, when you dream of “natural immunity” wiping this PANdemic out of existence.

  5. As long as Hawaii continues to push their stupidity concerning vaccine passports, I will not be back. I still own 3 properties in Hawaii and I would love to visit them but I will NOT be blackmailed into taking this poisonous jab just to satisfy these politician’s tyranny. They are destroying Hawaii businesses, families, and lives. There is no aloha anymore in Hawaii and I grieve for the people of Hawaii. Let the lawsuits begin!

    (Edited – warning on not adhering to https://beatofhawaii.com/comment-policy/

    1. Goldie, you are on record elsewhere spreading misinformation, a lot of it and from way deep in the rabbit hole (no 40,000 people have not died from the vaccine)…be careful what you say when you go into “I’m gonna sue!” attack mode. There’s consequences for lying in court.
      btw there is plenty of Aloha still in Hawaii….look past the angry fingerpointers on the internet and you’ll find many many people helping others unconditionally here in Hawaii. As always, in Hawaii a little respect gets a lot in return.

    2. Goldi the vaccine passports and everything Hawaii is trying to do is to simply save lives. Obviously if everyone was vaccinated the overflowing hospitals wouldn’t be an issue. You believe some pretty crazy stuff about vaccines to support your decision but the safety and effectiveness of getting vaccinated is irrefutable ( by that I mean the overwhelming support of the vaccines from the medical and scientific community vs random Facebook posts and misinformation being used to manipulate people). That said, human nature being what it is it’s simply not possible to get everyone vaccinated. So the mandates that arise out of trying to save lives are necessary, especially in Hawaii were we have limited hospital space.
      As far as businesses suffering, for sure many are having a bad year (to put it mildly) but interesting enough many are reinventing themselves and yes prospering. I know of restaurants that switched to take out only and with no need for waiters, bus staff, dishwasher’s etc they became more profitable. Many other businesses are reinventing themselves in other ways and well poised for success when we recover so yes Hawaii will recover.
      You are on the mainland and spreading lies about the vaccine and yet the quickest route to Hawaii returning to normal is getting people vaccinated. If you are fighting against the vaccine you are fighting against full business recovery. The bottom line on the shutdowns that saved lives is this…you can recover from a business downturn, not so much from dying.

  6. Aloha-

    Segregation is returning to America – we’ve just substituted “vaccinated” for “white” and “unvaccinated” for “colored”. In Hawaii, you could say the ancient caste system is returning: Ige is King, Green is Alii, the public health directors and mayors are Kahuna, the obediently vaxxed (1x, 2x, 3x, etc… – whatever the Kahuna decree) are the Makaainana, and the unvaxxed are the Kauwa – ostracized and persecuted. Is this really what we want our society to become? Please wake up, friends!


    1. Hello Becky G.

      I fear you correct.

      I am a senior from Georgia and well remember the segregation present here in my earlier days. Starting almost 60 years ago we began to fix this, not perfectly but pretty well. Yet the impact from it exist here in my small rural community even today.

      I suggest the distrust and fear arising from segregation, even de facto type segregation as with this, will take firm root in Hawaii. When one is denied and denigrated by others it doesn’t matter as much the why of it, but rather the who of it. Being in a segregated class burns and scars the soul and is a human condition not easily forgotten nor forgiven.

      Given their history and culture, I’m very surprised Hawaiians pursue this.

    2. I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. What do you suggest that Hawaii do to prevent their hospitals from getting overrun? It’s easy to say what it is you don’t like, but tell me what alternative you suggest? Do nothing isn’t an alternative, BTW, if that’s where you’re going with this. We can see that in Florida where people are dropping like flies because of that attitude.

    3. Yet it’s the vaccinated that are working hard to help the unvaccinated. The Pacific Islander community does have a higher unvaccinated rate….which simply means they have been victimized more by misinformation then they deserve. But they are hardly the only ones…. a significant percentage of our country is vulnerable to misinformation and baseless conspiracy theories….. What is happening is misinformationists are victimizing people. As a result people are dying because they believe a random facebook post and then make their mind up on that alone.

    4. Assuming that you are white, perhaps now you have a better appreciation for systemic racism, otherwise known as walking, driving, hanging out, talking while black.

  7. Hi BOH,
    Any more word on pre travel covid test for the ones who have been vaxed? We’re flying out to Kauai on sept 12th. You have to start trying to get an appt for the test sun – tues for Thur! They go fast….. We did use The Clear app in case we needed it and it was a breeze! Thanks for all your help!!

  8. Remember trust the science

    The US Food and Drug Administration announced the resignations of two top vaccine officials on Tuesday, and reports said the two were leaving in anger over the administration’s plan to roll out COVID-19 booster shots before officials had a chance to approve it.

    1. Wrong. The two submitted their letters with no explanation. What you are referring to are reports from anonymous sources. additional sources contradicted those sources saying that the two resigned over a disagreement with their superior.

  9. When do the obesity cards come out? 75 percent of deaths and hospitalizations are in those that are obese and most of those are diabetic and have an average of 2.6 comorbidity. So when do these cards come out. You dont need to be obese it’s a choice. Reduce obesity you reduce cases. This would be especially helpful in restaurants. Sorry you can only order from the salad side of the menu, water only no soda. On planes they’d have to buy two seats so people like me wouldn’t be bothered by them. They also put more wear and tear on beds in hotels are more dangerous to lift in elevators so along with resort fee should be an obese fee. Kinda see where this is going?

    1. Refreshing, a Bankrupt State, 99.9% dependent on Tourism and Military, has a Governor that closed it down, having the newly UN-employed savor in the States generous un-Employment (also $500,000,000.00 upside down) + The Federal Stipend of a $300.00/Wk. Bonus rather then going back to work! A Vaccine that after 4-6 months is at 40% Effective Rate, with Vaxxed and un-Vaxxed being equal in the opportunity to contract. Follow the Israel Study. Ask Pfizer about Chantix? The Pfizer that got FDA Approval, is not the same as what was given, that would have not been approved until 2023. This is a not Salk, Measles, TB vaccine! The Governor has bankrupted Business that will not return, one of the top Dinng Establishments, Alan Wongs, through in the Towel, Loves Bakery a tradition for 100 years. 1,200 Hundred First Responders from Fire and Police, are not taking the Vaccination. Now there talking about restricting travel after Southwest said yes, to the Tourism Board, Hotels have Reservations, how do they decide who get’s the X-# of Rooms? The State will need a Federal Bailout of immense proportion, and it’s only the high unemployment States that want the $, NY, NJ, Mi., Ill., Ca., NM and Hi., all over 7% because of bad Governance. Good on you Liam!

    2. You are Completely Correct! My brother in law is CEO of a local Hospital in OC, California and his sister is CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) and almost 100% of Covid deaths had either Obesity or Diabetes as the most prevalent co-conditions! Bring on the Obesity Gold Star or Proof of non-Diabetic Gold Star and you will reduced Covid Deaths dramatically. Unfortunately, I think the Island may have high rates of both in it’s local citizenry as once my sister had a gall bladder issue and ended up at Queen’s Hospital in Oahu and she said Every single person who she talked to asked her if she was diabetic. No she is not, and yes she was fine:) In her observation she told us ” I think there must be a Big problem of Diabetes on the island” I am sure there is data one could track down to confirm or deny. Either way Medical discrimination is still discrimination

    3. You’re missing an important difference. Obesity only hurts the person that’s obese. What you describe as hurting others are merely inconveniences. COVID, on the other hand, is a virus that can kill you that you can spread to others. Big difference there…

      1. Joerg,

        Correct me if I am mistaken, but don’t you have many other comments on this blog site pointing out that the unvaxxed are selfishly taking up hospital resources that may be needed for non-COVID related emergencies of the more deserving vaxxed?

        If being vaxxed doesn’t necessarily stop you from catching COVID, but reduces the severity, can’t the same thing be said about being in good physical shape and not a human beach ball?

        It needs to be said: The Large Marges and Henry Hippos are disproportionately ending up in the hospital with COVID, thereby selfishly putting the Slim Jims and Kale Kathys at risk. Not to mention the visual blight when POGs (people of girth) squeeze into their beach shorts (or worse). Talk about whale watching.

        I say we create “fit” passports (could be sponsored by Jenny Craig) along with a lockdown of all donut shops, fast food joints, ice cream shops, and the supermarket isles that have the crackers and cookies. Anyone over 220 pounds must wear two masks whenever they try to eat or drink anything except water. And no cheating using straws unless they hate the ocean. It’s a public health emergency. This is no time for the “fat shaming” propaganda that leads gullible people to believe that Jabba the Hut is a normal body shape. Poor Mini Mike was ridiculed for trying to outlaw Big Gulps of soda, but in hindsight, that may have saved thousands of lives.

        And what about old people, since they obviously pose a much higher risk of being hospitalized. Pretty darn selfish. And they smell a little funny, too, according to sources or studies or science or something. Time for “youth” passports for those under 50 (could be sponsored by Logan’s Run).

        1. I’m sitting here wondering if you’re just being sarcastic, if you really believe this? As you point out, it’s the unvaccinated that are filling up the hospitals. It’s as simple as that. Get the jab, and do your part. If you don’t, well, then life is going to get harder for you the way things are going. All of this other stuff, is nothing more than red herrings and whataboutism.

          1. I will try to use my /sarc/ key next time.

            Sure, the unvaxxed will be treated poorly by others. Whether that will convince someone to get vaxxed, or just make them dig in, I don’t know.

            It is not whataboutism that the obese also take up a disproportionate amount of health care resources, and in the case of COVID, apparently being obese (especially if unvaxxed) increasesones odds when it comes to who are the 1% that get hospitalized.

            But 99% do not, which is likely a big reason why the unvaxxed are not as panicked as old people would like them to be. A healthy 30 year old has a better chance to end up in the ER or morgue from a car crash than COVID. This may annoy old people who have much greater risk, but it is what it is.

          2. Sure thing. But, Covid paranoids don’t have a sense of humor.

            OT – Going to get in line for the final afternoon convoy up the Hanalei Hill. Bistro still has their $30 Prime Rib special going on Fridays, following the 3-6 happy hour. Cant be beat on the north shore, and no I do not get any discount for the promotion.

            We’re still on Mountain time, so waking up at 2 am and dead on our feet by 6 pm.

            You ever do a post on jag lag for mainland visitors, especially those coming from the east coast? You know, the ones cracking the beers open before 10 am out on the beach.

          3. I was in homedepot this morning around 10:30 here in Arizona. The young customers were mostly wearing masks and the majority of older folks had no mask on. Just an observation.

          4. Look, I agree that obesity is an issue in this country. However, you’re conflating that problem with the vaccination issue in order to make a point that’s simply not correct. A report published Tuesday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that, based on data out of Los Angeles County, unvaccinated people are almost five times more likely be infected and over 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19. As for people who aren’t worried about getting COVID because they are young and healthy, that’s becoming less and less true. Cases of younger people ending up in the hospital or dying of COVID are higher with the Delta variant. Take a look at: usnews.com/news/best-states/alabama/articles/2021-08-21/nobody-should-go-through-this-delta-variant-hits-young

            Last, but not least, this entire position some people are taking that “I have very little chance of getting severely ill, so to heck with it” is pretty self centered, don’t you think? Don’t forget, that if they DO get sick, and even if they don’t end up in the hospital, there’s a good chance that they will spread the disease. So getting the vaccine, wearing amass, etc. isn’t just about you, it’s about everyone around you as well.

            But, then again, young people, including myself long ago when I was young, have always felt invulnerable. Certainly, if we didn’t, we wouldn’t do some of the silly things we did when we were young. 🙂

          5. Unlike BOH’s amusement with your attempts at sarcasm, there is a dangerous, erroneous statement in your last paragraph. Here’s what happens when a Governor decides that CV-19 is no big deal and you decide that you, because of age, are somehow immune from a serious case of Covid:

            “AdventHealth officials in (Florida) shared several striking stats during their Thursday briefing on the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The Central Florida hospital group noted that half of their record-breaking 1620 COVID-19 hospitalizations were under the age of 40.

            “Relatively healthy individuals… are getting quite sick. Some of them have to be on ventilators and some have died,” said AdventHealth epidemiologist Dr. Vincent Hsu said at AdventHealth’s weekly Thursday briefing, per a report from the Orlando Sentinel.

          6. To James B –

            I do not say that young and healthy people never get seriously sick or die from COVID. Even one or two in a thousand times millions of infections equals several hundred, even a few thousand who do. The media does write stories about the other 999 who either had no or just mild symptoms and moved on. That’s not much of a COVID scare story. I just read the stats that are published. And the stats reflect that they have much great chance of ending up in the hospital or morgue from vehicle crashes.

            If the Blog Guys will allow, here is a link to US cumulative COVID deaths broken down by age through August 18. 2021.


            Maybe those stats will suddenly skew younger at some point, but in the meantime, I suggest you just ignore what I have to say and I will extend you the same courtesy.

  10. 1) This will only work for me if Hawaii recognizes Pfizer and other CDC recognized vaccinations given in other countries. A government form or a medical transcript needs to be acceptable, otherwise foreigners will not be able to eat.

    2) The experience of the Delta variant or Indian Strain is that it affects primarily those who refuse to get vaccinated. Where infections do occur, the strain is a lot less virulent than previous ones. It is easier to transmit but causes far less serious infection requiring less intubations and causing far less deaths.

    3) The State needs to bring back masks, social distancing and pre flight tests. It worked.


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