Zuckerberg Kauai 1-2-3 Punch Troubles

Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes

A big contractor’s lien, feelings of being punched in the gut, and rumored visions of a private Kauai yacht harbor.

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37 thoughts on “Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes”

  1. I’ll get really tired of people and their “so called love of Paradise,”& money coming in having things built not paying for them and then wanted to destroy the island to fit their needs in their lifestyle literally detonating a Beautiful Island Paradise!!! Are you kidding me Shame on you Mr. Zuckerberg

    1. If Shaming Marky Z was a possibility those who “helped” create Facebook would have been extremely wealthy, they’re not. To those of Wealth “Shame” is just another badge of honor that can be laughed about. Shame only worries those of lesser stations in life. Destroying a reef, an island paradise, a way of life is not a problem. He will plant an ironwood tree in memorial, maybe buy a tropical fish for his aquarium! He’s riding the “Big Wave” of life and Nothing gets in His way for long, remember that his petty cash can buy much more than We will Ever make!

  2. Oh, so sad too bad. A few kanaka’s were singing his praise because he donated to the food back. I say if he really cares about the Aina he’d peel off a Billion and contribute to the Ecological challenges the Islands are experiencing. In my personal opinion he’ll never be kamaina. He is the prime example why so many Hawaiian born people are houseless. Not homeless. Hawaii nei is their home. The blight of million and billionaires have raised infrastructure costs, cut off public access to sacred sites. These part time non residents have ruined the Islands. Sadly, the wealthier they are the entitlement factor they possess the worse it gets for the Aina and Ocean.

    1. I can, and do, understand assigning blame to the Wealthy and the rich. Where Hawaiians are missing the Real Problem is putting the Real and Continuing Blame on your Elected Officials and Politicians. With all of the monies entering the coffers of these Bastions of Fiscal Responsibility there should be plenty of affordable housing, where did the money go and where’s the housing??? I Agree with Blaming the Wealthy and Foreign Investors, however, Let’s Not Forget those who Really Caused the Grief and where did the money go, did they get robbed by a thief?

  3. Somehow I find it very hard to have any sympathy for Zuckerberg. As far as him feeling “Gut Punched” Good! I doubt that his “gut punch” feels like anything the average American feels when their “Gut Punched” at the pump, at the grocery store, at the pharmacy, in the unemployment line, at the bank! All these things Zuckerberg had a Huge hand in creating. Thats the “real” bad news millions of Americans wake up to each and everyday. The difference is that Zuckerberg goes out on the beautiful ocean and surfs to forget his problems. The average American is lucky to be able to afford a Late at the local Starbucks in the morning. Quite a difference in the strength of the “Gut Punch” when it comes to Zuckerberg vs Average American.

  4. Please note a correction: Kia’i (not Kia’a). Kia’i are the living guardians of spirits, ancestors and nature. Kia’i is the name of the Mauna Kea protectors.

  5. I’ve been following this blog for years – First As someone from the Mainland & now as a resident. I’m taken back by the opening theme. Are we to really feel sorry for this multi billionaire who created a fortune by stealing from his college friends and then continuing his unscrupulous business practices to get whatever he wants including his estate on Kauai. It’s called Karma baby. His worst is yet to come. And the amount he owes the screwed contractor is typical of his dirty tricks. He spends more to fuel his super yacht. But litigation will cost the contractor & drag out payment. What a “nice guy”. No sympathy here. And the last item is just plain stupid and violates the core fabric of the Islands

    1. I Agree with you totally and what you have written 👍 👌 is pretty comprehensive and covers how He typically screws Everyone. If the contractor did a terrible job, by all means litigate. With his reputation I doubt that is the case, Zuck is simply a “Head Case” and he will get what he sows. He wants everyone to know how bad his life is, Honestly The life and times of Marky Z doesn’t mean a thing to me until this kind of thing pops up, then it’s Game On. Good luck Containing his Desires and the desires of “other’s” that make the decisions and make Mark Happy!

  6. Zuckerberg should settle his affairs there, demonish all buildings he had built, and buy an entire island elsewhere.

    People love billionaires’ money, but not billionaires.

    1. He might have bought an entire island if he didn’t crave attention, even if and when it’s negative. The comments of waking to all of those messages is simply an absurd way to identify with the common person, what a Lame Attempt! If True it only proves to me that He is a “Poor” judge of talent in hiring managerial staff and/or Wants them to message him. What a terrible way to run a business, but that’s Marky for you. His “Game Play” seems to be disrespectful and disruptive to everyone and anyone, in this case even Ocean Life and Coral Reefs, can’t upset people on your own island! He should Grow Up.

  7. People just love to hate this guy! Probably because wealth envy abounds, but then I suspect he feels the same way toward Ellison who owns 98% of Lanai.

    1. Marky Boy probably wants to Emulate Ellison in certain ways, owning an island isn’t his style though. Too few inhabitants to scream about his abuses. As to the Wealth Issues I’m sure that it is an issue with many, not really with me. I would have no idea how to be effective with it, a few hundred thousand dollars would be more than enough for my needs in retirement, at least I hope. Everyone, regardless of Assets, have real problems and it’s how they’re dealt with that is typically different. Marky Z needs the Attention and Will cause his own Controversies to gain it. He Needs for Nothing but should Grow Up!

  8. As a resident of Kaua’i the idea of “blowing up” Pila’a reef would be a veritable lead balloon. It would undo all efforts Zuckerberg has done to make himself a good neighbor. We just don’t do blow up reefs here, sorry. It would make the Super Ferry look like a good idea.

    1. Marky will be a Wonderful Steward until he’s not, just ask any of his neighbors on the mainland, while you’re at it find out How he managed to get the Building Permits! Wealth, Privilege, Desirous Intentions are Marky’s Trademark and if he wants a Marina the Reef won’t be an obstacle for long. A few plentiful handshakes and some expensive dinners have been known to work wonders, did I mention the Political Contributions? Marky Z Wants, Marky Z Gets! And think of the Bonus of Attention.

  9. Not sure how he’s going to get permission to detonate something he doesn’t own. Unless of course the local, city and state officials get paid off.

    1. Zuckerberg has gotten away with so much illegal activity with the help of the current planning director and the mayors assistant (Former planning director). The average local would never get the kinds of things he’s got going permitted, example, “Pod houses”

    2. They are called Plentiful, or sometimes Beneficial, Handshakes and Political Contributions 🙄 but you’re on the same page. It might take a little while but Marky Z gets his way. He plays well with his neighbors on the island for a while to gain their trust and good will. When his desires come to the surface his way becomes the Only Way. Why be Wealthy and not flex your muscles? He’s unassuming and friendly, that’s only because he Needs something. When he’s done maybe he’ll invite people over for a cookout.

  10. Doubt the marina will happen. The ocean area off of his property is a marine mammal and bird habitat as well as protected reef area that would suffer greatly if that were to happen. There would have to be an EIS, and heaven knows what else before it could even be considered. Not too worried about this one.

    1. Money and power will buy anything. This man has both and isn’t used to taking “no” for an answer. Corruptness breeds corruptness and this guy is about as corrupt as they come. Look what he done to our country wit FB. He’s an expert liar yet, no one holds him accountable.

    2. A couple of newly sunken surplus ships to create a new reef and habitat and a park or two for good measures makes nice with those officials and Politicians that matter. Unfortunately that’s how things happen in His World. He will eventually get what he desires, he always seems to. What’s the point of being Wealthy and having all of those Connections and Power if you can’t, or Won’t, Use It! Rome wasn’t built in a day, His Marina won’t be either, but it will be built if he wants it, he’s Marky Z!

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