129 thoughts on “Hawaii is Broken | Now All Fingers Point to the Top”

  1. It’s long overdue for the citizens of Hawaii to rise up and protest and get this governor recalled or impeached, and get someone in there with a common sense functioning brain. Again, you isolate the vulnerable.. obese and diabetic… Which may be pretty high in the state of Hawaii I’m not sure(?)… Either way you set up a temporary hospital to take any overflow, you open up the economy fully with common sense testing protocols in place… The “Covid casualties” with a Hawaiian state in pretty much complete lockdown, are going to be way beyond actual fatalities and death numbers, when you add in the true numbers of citizens pushed into poverty, depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse,etc….
    Read Dr. Scott Atlas article today at Thehill.com website-“Restore our lives using medical science, data and common sense“… Here’s the newest member on the The President’s Covid task force.
    He is the voice of reason and facts unlike Dr. Fauci the voice of fear and money as he waits to cash in on a vaccine.

    1. Scott Atlas is just the latest “doctor” with no expertise in communicable disease who is willing to say whatever Trump wants him to say, unlike Dr. Fauci who says what he thinks is right regardless of the politics. Atlas thus joins the ranks of servile Trump lackeys which our government has become. May they all perish on November 3!

    2. I completely agree, Nita! It is very clear that Ige, the Lt. Governor and mayors have their own political agenda with this insane never-ending shutdown of Hawaii. I pray the citizens of Hawaii are waking up to see how their state government has completely failed them.

    3. Ahem. Perhaps you should bone up on the bone fides of Dr. Atlas. He is a radiologist specializing in brain and spine MRI scans. No experience in epidemiology, infectious diseases, nor virology. His opinion is as close to mine in veracity based on experience as your post is over the top support for, well, no good reason at all. His support of the concept of “herd immunity” is all you really need to know. A tragedy in the making with no idea of whether the virus responds to the concept. One certainty. Millions of dead Americans. Perhaps you should look at your own state ‘s strategy before pontificating on who is the real expert and what is wrong with Hawaii.

  2. I seriously wonder if Hawaii will even be worth a visit after all of the mismanagement of the state economy’s primary mover, tourism. My wife and I will not return until the restaurants, scuba boats and hotels/condos are available. I believe many of our favorite places will just disappear – Kimos, Leilani’s, Duke’s Canoe Club, Trilogy Excursions on Maui and others. Can tourism in Hawaii be saved or will the last one out switch off the lights? I guess we’ll see.

    1. Aloha!
      We were the safest place to be under the initial lockdown. It was the constant and unrelenting pressure to re-open that has landed us where we are today. If more time was spent discussing the science of this disease and survival of our people rather than a speedy return to practices which promote the spread of the virus the economy would not be facing this devastation. It is not possible for a society to survive the destruction of civil servants or front line workers. Yet for the sake of the “economy” that is the battle we are facing now. If we just stay home, wear masks and wash our hands in 3 months we can beat this. That was the first message, the science based message and the only solution.

  3. It’s a complete dumpster fire and Ige doesn’t even know what a hose is, much less how to use it.

    My guess is that he’ll be the next departure. He doesn’t want to be around when the Hawaii people figure out just how wrecked the economy actually is. It’s going to take several years for tax revenues to return to normal and federal aid will run out long before that, meaning huge deficits will be run for the next several years. Taxes will be increased, while services will have to be cut. It’s going to get ugly.

    My heart aches for our Hawaiian friends that are going to have to go through this.

  4. Once again Democrat politicians destroy the robust economy of a State. Somehow I can’t place the blame on the Democrat politicians because how they enrich themselves and ignore the needs of the citizens is widely known. That only places the blame on the voters of Hawai’i. You got exactly what you voted for…again and again.

    1. I don’t think this level of selfishness and incompetence belongs to any particular political party. There are national and local examples everywhere, the pandemic has just exposed it.

    2. Right you are, Hill411. The same can be said for traditionally Democrat run cities across the nation- Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore, San Francisco, Minneapolis. “You got exactly what you voted for.”

      Thanks BOH for keeping us informed, and allowing multiple points of view on this subject.

    3. You would think that they’d give the Republicans a try just once. They can’t do any worse than the current administration.

      1. The Federal government can not/will not go into a state and override state and local laws. Governor Ige would need to ask for help and I think we all know he will not do that because he is too arrogant. I must concur with he comment from another contributor.”Hill” it’s time for those voters in Hawaii to quit voting Democrat, therefore appointing strictly Democrats to run the state of Hawaii. Vote in Republicans to clean up the unconscionable mess that the current state administration (Ige) has created. If you don’t like what you see then vote them all out of office the next time. At this point what do you have to lose?
        Truly wishing the best to all the people of Hawaii.

        Aloha & Mahalo,

      2. The Federal Government has nothing to do with Igeʻs Draconian edicts and executive orders. Ige and the island Mayors have caused this debacle, not the Federal government. Sadly the residents and businesses of Hawaii will be suffering for many years to come because of Igeʻs incompetence.

  5. I am so sad for Hawaii, her people, and all who love to visit. I have a trip planned for early December but if there’s no progress by Oct 1, we will cancel with heavy hearts

  6. A leave of absence of course with full pay. They are so blinded as to how wrong this is that they probably think nothing of it. Disgusting.

    Mahalo for all you do!

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