Total Confusion Reigns on Hawaii Rules and Testing Partners

Updated: Is a Domestic Travel Ban Next + Hawaiian Air Suspensions

Updated 3/16/20. More on what’s go on here in Hawaii at this crazy time.

Yesterday, Hawaiian Airlines announced a suspension of services between Hawaii and both Australia and New Zealand effective later this month due to COVID-19 and related government entry restrictions. That suspension eliminates eleven flights, including five weekly to Sydney, three to Brisbane, and three to Auckland. At this point, they will be paused through April 30 to Sydney, and May 31 to Brisbane and Auckland.

A domestic travel ban is all but certain.

We continue to hear the distinct likelihood of a minimum 14-day domestic travel ban starting soon. Today the government took the recommended maximum gathering size from yesterday’s 50, down to only 10. At the same time, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Americans to prepare to ‘hunker down’ and, that he doesn’t think that a 14 day nationwide shutdown would be an overreaction.

Yesterday, the federal government said that a domestic travel plan is under consideration. “We continue to look at all options, and all options remain on the table. That, according to Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the USDHS. CDC also said today it “recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread.” That according to CNN. Obviously all commercial aircraft flying would seemingly be similar, just based on that size.

Tomorrow there will be new guidelines released by the CDC. That may or may not answer the question regarding domestic travel. We also have heard that Canadian visitors in Hawaii have been scrambling to leave due to the possibility of a border closing with the United States.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said today he’d “like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see….”

Hawaiian Air to announce domestic cancellations

Hawaiian Air route changes that were introduced last Friday are due to be detailed this week. That may wait, however,  for any decision by the federal government.

Here in Hawaii

Here in Hawaii, this weekend brought a jump to at least 7 confirmed cases, from the prior 2. That, as a female visitor on Maui was confirmed to have the virus late this afternoon. Two other new cases were visitors who traveled to Maui and then Kauai and are now in isolationb here at a hotel on the island. We will undoubtedly learn more as additional testing gets underway. The number of tests conducted to date, here in Hawaii, has been under 100.

Contacting Hawaiian Airlines

Regarding cancellations on these routes, Hawaiian said they are assisting guests by offering “travel waivers, re-accommodations on alternative flights or refunds. Guests requiring assistance may use e-mail and online chat options as well as the company reservations phone line.”

We have heard of very long wait times at the Hawaiian Airlines’ call center. They are suggesting using their online resources as an alternative.

23 thoughts on “Updated: Is a Domestic Travel Ban Next + Hawaiian Air Suspensions”

  1. We’ve been to Maui 10x and just canceled our trip for next week which was to serve as our 20th wedding anniversary. We understand it’s the right thing to do but just sad we won’t be there to celebrate. Sending good thoughts and prayers for everyone on Maui. Stay safe and remember to love those around you in this time. We will get through this!

  2. I’m concerned about my grandkids and their babies going from Los Angeles to Maui next week. So I’m Rey happy to have run upon your site to keep all of us informed. Mahalo

  3. We have our wedding in kauai in early June. Our families all have our flights booked, some flying from Arizona but the majority flying out from SLC. We are terrified that it might be cancelled. Thank you for the updates.

  4. been on hold with Hawaiian reservations for 5 hours 8 mins and counting… also tried messaging and email. Start early if you need to get help from Hawaiian

  5. Aloha, I have a trip to the big island booked for early July. Do you think things will have settled down by then? Mahalo for all your great info and updates.

    1. Hi Diane.

      Thank you. Honestly we have no crystal ball on this one. We certainly hope so.


      1. Hi guys, just a note to say we miss seeing you on your walks. Your doing a fabulous job of informing everyone. Love your website and check it out regularly. Bless you both.
        Love and aloha,
        Darlene and Larry

        1. Hi Darlene and Larry.

          We do miss you both and hope all is well and that you’re enjoying your new home.

          Wishing you all the best!

          Aloha. J/R

  6. Aloha! Love your website, I’ve been reading it for years.
    I’ve been sitting on pins and needles waiting for the inevitable domestic flight ban to Hawaii. We have traveled every year for my husband’s birthday on May 2nd for over 10 years to the Hawaiian Islands. Our favorite airline is Hawaiian but we booked one way there on Hawaiian 4/29/20 and one way back on Alaskan 5/6/20. Gotta love those $99 flights to and from San Diego.
    Your blog is what I’ve been waiting on and what I trust. I agree with another poster that a loss in travel revenue would hurt Hawaii but it’s the people that matter. I can’t help but think about Molokai and the leprosy colony of the past.
    Please keep us informed. Mahalo!

    1. Hi Tammy.

      Thanks so much for this and all of your comments. We really appreciate you.

      Yes, a travel ban will be devastating, but on the other hand having the virus travelling here is even more frightening.

      Aloha. R/J

    2. Keep me updated if Hawaiian airlines flight 7 from Las Vegas to Honolulu will still opperate on March 31

  7. Aloha Guys!

    I believe the Panic and Paranoia brought on by World and National Media is just Insane! I personally think this will be no worse than the H1N1 back in 2009-2010, and likely won’t be as bad, because of the fairly early action of our Government. Maybe I am wrong, we will see…However, I will not let the fear mongering dictate my life, and I hope no one else does either.

    Wash your hands regularly (immediately when you get home), avoid touching your face as much as possible and clean/disinfect surfaces you touch regularly (maybe even a tad more, in times like these)…and, especially surfaces many others touch, like touch screen computers/keypads in stores…if you are healthy, that’s all you really have to do to limit exposure to any virus. Honestly, this should be regular hygiene protocol. The worst pet peeve I have is watchimg someone walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands…Ewwww!!!

    Protecting the elders in your family should be the greatest concern for this, but don’t let that keep you paralized in fear either!

    I am still planning on my next flight in April to Hawaii, and the only way I won’t get on that plane is if I am sick with it (not likely) or flights are canceled. So, I appreciate your updates. Please keep letting us know.

    Mahalo for all you do!

  8. Will Hawaiian airlines flight 7
    Still operate from las Vegas to Honolulu on March 31 .
    Keep me updated

  9. Aloha. I listened to the governor/mayor speak today and did not get the impression when asked by the media they were very supportive of a flight ban to the islands. I wonder just how devastating a total travel ban 2 – 4 weeks (or more) in length might be to the island economy? It would seem to be a major stopgap measure considering all the current COVID-19 cases have come off island. However, the impact of a 100% decrease in tourism is not something one could easily imagine. Let us hope for all, that it does not become a reality. The beauty of the islands will endure, it is the people who will suffer. Mahalo for the continuing updates!

  10. Aloha, I read your blog every day. Mahalo ! But your above story is incorrect. The latest CDC guidelines do not “prohibit” gatherings of 50 or more people for the next 8 weeks. The CDC “recommends” that events and organizations like Churches, schools, etc., not meet in groups or 50 or more for the next 8 weeks. This guidance specifically states it does not apply to businesses. Here’s a link to the CDC recommendations:

    1. Hi Tom.

      Thanks. We did a minor update to the post to reflect that. That not withstanding, we’ll see what happens tomorrow. Each day is like another world right now.


  11. Do you know when is “later this month”? My husband is in New Zealand now until Sunday, March 22nd and scheduled to fly back to Honolulu. He was suppose to go on to Maui from there but we are cancelling that part of the trip. He needs to get back to the Mainland. We were going to keep the Air NZ to Honolulu and then get a flight from Honolulu to Mainland because he has a SkyCouch seat. I am concerned about when the Domestic Travel ban will occur not if.

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