Latest Hawaii Testing Rules Fail: Hawaii Vacations Upended

Latest Testing Rules Fail: Hawaii Vacations Upended

A visitor summed it up, stating, “Yes….This is a Hot Mess.” The deeper we all dig, the more problems that surface.

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276 thoughts on “Latest Testing Rules Fail: Hawaii Vacations Upended”

  1. Hello,
    I contacted the travel team and asked them if the US Military Base testing facility is a tested partner….I got a generic answer email of no. There is No way that private labs are more accurate then the United States Military. Can anyone help me??? It is the only place we can get labs to fly over and see my deployed husband. thanks

    1. Hi Deana.

      There is a whole list of partners on the state website. If there anything specific we can help with?


  2. I am coming home to Hawaii. Can I put a family members address and phone number where I’ll be? Can I exit the airport, go straight to her car, go straight to her home and stay put for 14 days?

  3. Hello David R,which part of Hawaii you are in ??? May we know please so that we can avoid tha part for ever .It seems you don’t like visitors ….LOl

    1. Never said I don’t like visitors, what I don’t like is people attempting to escape the chaos of the pandemic on the mainland by flying here on the cheap and then whining about the rules we have in place that has kept us at the lowest infection and mortality rate in the country. Put yourselves in our position…we’ve been locked down in our homes for months at the onset of this, unable to access our beaches, hiking trails, outdoor activities, jobs….etc. The majority of residents have been great about following the mask mandates, social distancing and other protocols, all helping to do our part to keep our communities safe…we’ve all sacrificed a lot for the greater good of our neighbors and our Kapuna only to be forced to see and listen to people who want to treat our home as some Covid free sanctuary and then attempt to flaunt our rules or whine about the process when they encounter difficulties. And for what it’s worth, the majority of us…on EVERY island feels the same. Maybe you should direct your anger and blame at the Dear Leader, for without whom we’d be in a much better place nationally. Anyone flying ANYWHERE right now for pleasure is going to experience difficulties in whatever locale they’ve chosen. In case you didn’t notice, things are different now….adaptor stay home.

  4. When we phone go health urgent care, it goes to the automated respons;when you go online it says no appointments; when you visit in person the reception says you can only to get appointments 2 days prior to the visit? Draconian rules to kill Americans?
    If we phone CVS and Wall Greens, those businesses do not even know about these virus tests ?? Hawaii government should accept negative tests of 1 week duration and from recognised labs.It is not easy to get it done by the suggested partners.

    1. A negative result 7 days prior is completely useless…even more so than the 72 test. The tests are merely a snapshot in time and are no way indicative of your status a week or even 72 hours later. Many negative tests are due to an inaccurate test or because your viral load is insufficient to register…but you may be infected and not know it as the virus replicates and multiplies in your body. Why do you feel your test for a pleasure vacation should take priority over people who are actually infected and truly need the test? Why do you feel entitled to take a vacation to our isolated islands during a deadly global pandemic? Have some patience and wait until the cases drop considerably or until there’s vaccine in sufficient numbers. Your selfish thinking is reprehensible, and if you people on the mainland were better about wearing masks everywhere, not gathering in huge maskless numbers and thinking it’s your right to patronize bars…maskless…maybe there wouldn’t be the huge surge we are currently experiencing. Please stay home or get in your car and drive to your vacation, we simply have no desire for you to come here and infect us

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