Maui Sunset | Hawaii Vaccine Passports

Legislature Moves on Hawaii Vaccine Passports as Governor Dawdles

Hawaii vaccine passport to allow visitors without additional testing. It’s all part of Senate Resolution 53 now underway.

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85 thoughts on “Legislature Moves on Hawaii Vaccine Passports as Governor Dawdles”

  1. Thank you so much for keeping me updated on all the changes that are going on. However it looks like I will never be returning to Hawaii as I refuse to get the vaccination and I feel it’s extremely unconstitutional to tell me that I am mandated to get a vaccine that can harm me just to be able to travel to one of the 50 states in the United States. If you truly do the research getting the vaccine does not stop you from carrying the virus and or getting the virus again. They have stated many times getting the vaccination does not mean you can go out in public without a mask without social distancing and you still can’t have large groups together. So why would Hawaii think being vaccinated is going to protect them.

    1. good glad you are not coming back ever. Guess what this is going to spread across nations and even in our own country so I would advise getting the vaccine

  2. The Big Island of Hawai’i needs to speed up the process of having their residents and long term stay 70 plus residents get vaccinated.
    At this moment, it is a not moving quickly enough.
    We registered through the proper site and we have to wait 5 days just to get a call to make the appointment.
    Please let me know if there is a quicker way or place near Kailua Kona to get the vaccine.
    We have been here 2 and a half months.
    Thank you.🌺

  3. I certainly hope by May this happens. We have 30 people coming to big island and a covid test is so stupid. The day after a test you can get exposed. It’s extreme expensive as well. Most of our group will be vaccinated so hope a vaccination passport will be accepted. Having to get a test is discouraging tourist to visit the islands. After all…Hawaii is part of the USA and we don’t need tests to travel from state to state.

    Thank you!

    1. Understand your frustration, but would probably avoid travel to Texas, Florida and 14 other pandemic denying states as well.

    2. Diane,
      The vaccine should not cost you a thing. Neither should the covid test. I have taken several covid tests and not paid for one. Also Hawaii is an isolated island much different than the rest of the USA. So to say just because they are part of the USA that they cannot have different rules. Several states are requiring quarantine not just Hawaii.

      1. Thanks Paul! I hope you are right. A friend said their test to travel to Hawaii was $120. We live in a small coastal town on the Oregon coast so we will have to research what pharmacy’s are approved for the StaySafe website.

        On another note…so happy we reserved our car last May! Costs of car rentals have doubled! Unbelievable.

        Diane K

  4. Mahalo…long over do. I have two related questions:

    1. I am assuming visitors/family can arrive without a negative COVID 19 test result and

    2. What evidence will be valid for proving one has had both shots.

    Aloha, Snap

    1. Hi Snap.

      Those who arrive without an approved negative test result are required to quarantine at this time. We too assume that will no longer be the case for those fully vaccinated, in the near future. As for evidence, we will have to wait, but we know that Hawaii plans to implement CommonPass.


  5. From above: “The governor said yesterday that he expects to see widely administered vaccinations by May, which will be his signal to make changes in the Safe Travels program. He said, “That’s about the timeline that we may be looking at changes when the majority are vaccinated, and we don’t see the spread of the virus at the levels we are (at) right now.”

    From the State. Positivity rate 1.1% (Kauai 0.3%)

    1. You dont want to travel or leave your home fine DONT get one. Otherwise you need to get one so we can all get back to normal life

    2. There is no mandatory vaccination discussed. The subject is exemption from other processes (quarantine, negative COVID test).

  6. But wondering if the bill will still include only vaccinated folks within the past 2 or 3 months? Will we need to get vaccinated again if we want to return in a year? So many questions!

    1. Dear Joy, yes I think the covid vaccine will be an every year thing so yes you will most likely have to do it again. I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m a teacher so I’m now fully vaccinated(for this year).

  7. Who are the visitors likely to be? Elderly people who have had their vaccines. They have money to travel, and once vaccinated, feel they can do it safely. The state of Hawaii needs to realize that vaccinated tourists (visitors) will begin pumping $$$$ into their economy. Time to move forward… for me, I am flying to Kona in the early morning hours! Aloha!

    1. Dear KL, have safe travels! I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!♡♡♡ I’m so very excited I just can’t wait! I’m a teacher & fully vaccinated now. I definitely will be helping the Hawaii economy by spending $$!! God bless♡♡

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