204 thoughts on “Total Confusion Reigns on Hawaii Rules and Testing Partners”

  1. Q re QR codes- I received only q QR code for me and my wife. Does this sound right? Without any reason, I was expecting 2 QR codes, but I could be wrong. Antione has any experience?

    Vault update- received my results within 6 hours of lab getting my UPS delivered. Vault sent me an email with results- nothing fancy or special about Hawaii travel. I have updated the doc and the Hawaii website says manual verification required.

  2. I am waiting for confirmation from somebody here who can tell me if their Rapid POCT test from either CVS or Walgreens was accepted by Hawaii. I have a POCT test schedule at CVS but don’t want to be scrambling last minute if it is not accepted.

    1. I was able to confirm with Dignity Health (approved tester by State of Hawaii) who is providing a rapid point of contact test for United Airlines at San Francisco Airport that the test being used is called Abbott ID NOW. This is the same rapid testing technology being offered at Walgreens. So I think we will be safe utilizing the rapid testing at Walgreens!

  3. Walgreens is offering two different testing options, with one available at some locations and the second offered at the other: (1) “PT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” and (2) “Rapid Point of Care (“POC”) Test”. I cannot find on the Walgreens website whether either or both are the “NAAT test conducted at a CLIA-certified laboratory” as required by the Hawaiian authorities. Do you happen to know whether one or both of the test options offered by Walgreens meets the requirements for Hawaii’s travel program?

    1. Hi Jacqulyn.

      We want to refer you back to the state for the answer so as not to provide wrong information. The Lt. Gov. previously said that the rapid tests would also be included, but that is not reflected at this point on the state’s website. That is confusing. Please check directly with the state’s help desk. 1-855-599-0888.


        1. John,

          I have called everyday at various times while they are open and have been sent to voicemail every time. I have left a message and still haven’t received a call back.

  4. Hi! If you end up finding an answer about the Walgreens question that would be so appreciated! I have the same question and I’m not sure whether the rapid point of care test is allowed for travel and Walgreens is the only trusted provider in my state. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Noa.

      Until we see an update from the state on this with clarification, we are suggesting you check directly with the state’s help desk. 1-855-599-0888.


    2. Try asking the Walgrees pharmacist what kind of test the Rapid test is. If it is antigen it is not accepted, if it is nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) it is accepted.

      1. I was told by a Walgreens pharmacy worker that the Walgreens rapid test is a NAAT test, however, I have received my test results and it does not say what kind of test it is.

        1. If you look at the ‘patient friendly’ test result pdf, it should say it was a NAAT test. I also had the rapid test done yesterday and it came back negative, but the lab pdf didn’t list the specific type. So relieved especially after all this confusion! It also looks like Hawaiians tourism authority updated their documentation about processes yesterday with a new flowchart with trusted partner details.

          1. I just got my Walgreens rapid test results back a couple of hours ago from PWNHealth. Both the patient friendly AND the lab PDFs indicate that it’s a NAAT test.

  5. Update on VAULT – I got results in 24 hours! I took test yesterday at 2 pm PST, UPS’d it yesterday at 5 pm, and i just received results at 3:30 pm today (next day!).

    Hope they can keep up as more travelers use them…

    1. I am waiting on my Vault test results. Did you sing any release doc for Vault? I just received a email from Vault saying that I have not yet signed your release forms via HelloSign.

      I have not received any info on HelloSign? Do you know how is Hawaii government validating vault results? This is all very confusing for all of us. Thank you.

      1. Hi Anil.

        We do not know exactly what the state has set up with its testing partners. They’ve said that as soon as your result is uploaded together with your health form, you’re cleared.

      2. Call Vault. You should also go into your “account” and make sure everything is completed. Prior to receiving my results, I did not get an email like you got mentioning HelloSign.

        I assume Hawaii accepts Vault results, as I plan to upload them later today to Safe Travels.

        1. I spoke with Vault today and the person tole me that I info on Hellosign was given to me in error by Vault. Update on Walgreen- rapid test result is NAAT Abbot ID now test but results doesn’t say any that is is a abbott test or NAAT test — results are very generic. Walgreens gives a couple of pages that talks about Abbott test. The issue with walgreen result is that anyone could easily question it since it doesn’t specify NAAT or Abbott ID now. This walgreen info is base don NJ experience.

  6. Please advise if Walgreens Rapid PCR test is acceptable. I see Walgreens is on the list of trusted partners. I am assuming that includes all locations across America and includes the regular (36 hour turn around) and the rapid test.

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Mary.

      While that would appear to be the case, we can’t confirm that definitively. Therefore suggest you contact the Safe Travels Service Desk (10 a.m. to 10 p.m. HST): 1-855-599-0888. Let us know how it goes please.


      1. Has anyone had any success getting good responses from the Safe Travels Service Desk (10 a.m. to 10 p.m. HST): 1-855-599-0888? I contacted the Governor’s office to try to get some clarity and unfortunately got a non answer referring me to the website. This beatofhawaii.com page has been more helpful than anything put out by the Hawaiian government thus far.

        1. Hi John.

          Thank you. We’re very sorry to hear that about the state’s help desk. Trying times for sure.


  7. I fly out on the 17th, I ordered vault test on Saturday, received on Monday by 10:30am, took the test this morning (Wednesday), via zoom, packaged the test up and had it to UPS before 10:30am. We will see what happens, and see if the test comes back in the allotted 72 hours prior to my flight taking off. I will keep you posted…fingers crossed!!
    p.s. I think it is worth noting – I did inform the tester during our zoom meeting, that I was flying to Hawaii on Saturday, and needed the test back for time constraints. She stated she would mark “STAT” on her notes, and for me to mark the package with a sharpie “STAT” as well. Hope it works!!

    1. Sandy – how does Vault communicate the results to you? Is it via email or uploaded on the Safe travel site/app?

      Sorry if this is an ignorant question at this point.

      1. I am also waiting for my VAULT results – they received my test today after overnight UPS sent yesterday. VAULT will email me when my results are ready, and then I need to log into the app to see my results. They do not send the results to Hawaii Safe Travels. It is up to me to download my results to Safe Travels within 24 hours of my flight.

    2. Hi Sandy!
      I’m using Vault as well, do you know if the results include the timestamp of when you took the test since on the website for Hawaii, it says you have to take it within 72 hours prior to coming to Hawaii and final leg of departure. Not sure how they’ll document and know it’s within the final leg of departure. Please keep us updated!

      Thank you!

      1. Greetings from Kauai. Arrived today with my Vault test results printed out. Vault test just shows date taken, not time of day. FYI, I printed out my QR code and Vault test result vs dealing with my phone. Super easy and fast getting through Lihue today.

        1. Aloha Laurie G,

          Regarding the Vault test results only showing the day, and not the time of the day, was yours 3 days earlier than your departure/arrival date – and was accepted despite not having a “time stamp”?

          If so, that takes some of the stress out of the “72 hours” calculation.

  8. Found someone from Kaiser Permanente that answered the question by saying that it could take up to 1 week for the COVID results to come back. Which of course would mean that by the time the results come back you either didn’t fly to Hawaii in the first place or you have been quarantined in your hotel room for days.

    The new information that Hawaii has posted doesn’t really specifically say whether the airline testing programs are approved or not. (State website) says that the airlines “understand the pre-travel testing requirements and are reliable sources of testing and for information as to testing options”. So approved or not approved or may be approved sometime in the future. Especially concerned about American Airlines testing program NOT being approved.

  9. I am sharing my experience with Vault testing – Vault asks you to send the sample early in the morning – deliver to UPS box/store by 10am or so– I saw this on their website or in one of vault’s email to me as well as someone else post the same drop-off timing on beatofhawaii. I followed this instructions this morning, but UPS store told me that all pick ups are later in the evening. My thinking is that taking test later in the day is fine and results in the same timing as taking test in the morning.

    You should write STAT HAWAII on the envelop to expedite processing– per my email exchanges with Vault as well as Zoom call. We did two zoom calls – one for me and another for wife. My wife’s zoom person suggested that she writes “STAT HAWAII” on all 3 envelopes — there are 3 envelops including, UPS.

    I got an email from vault after dropping my envelops to UPS. The email said:
    Write the word “STAT HAWAII” in BIG, BOLD letters (preferably a black marker) on the front and back of your UPS return envelope and biohazard bag.
    If your household tests together, you can send all the test tubes in a single envelope.

    There was some confusion with Vault email exchanges– they keep asking me to register my kit without being clear hw to take this step. I think i figured it out while dialing into zoom call – one of the steps before joining the zoom call is to scan a couple of bar codes to start the call — i think this is the registration Vault was referring to.

    Vault was good at responding to email questions even during weekend.

  10. I’m a Nurse and work at a University of Texas hospital that helped develop the standard of testing that is being used for U.S. covid testing. Will the test results from my hospital be acceptable for travel? I’m checking with my MD to confirm i can get a NAAT and that our lab is CLIA, but if I can get the NAAT and we are CLIA that should count…right?

    It seems like the “trusted testing and travel partners” are testing for profit $150 for a rapid test seems high.

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