Zuckerberg Donates Another $10 M to Prior $50 M to Help Hawaii

Zuckerberg Latest: 600 Acres on Kauai At Larsens Beach

Mark Zuckerberg now owns 1,300 acres on Kauai with this purchase. Will that be enough to satisfy one of the world’s richest?

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48 thoughts on “Zuckerberg Latest: 600 Acres on Kauai At Larsens Beach”

  1. Hi. It is N. Waiakalua Street not N. Wailapa. Wailapa is the next makai turn north of Waiakalua.

    The Waiakalua and Pila’a trails are public. A sign indicating the Pila’a trail and saying the bluff top land is a Kauai Land Trust easement owned by the Svengross family was cut and never replaced.

  2. He can make his own private road like the jerk on the hill above secrets beach but he can’t take that public road to the beach no matter the money or lawyer he has. And there’s plenty of locals that would try to stop him.

  3. Mark Zuckeberg and Bette Midler are two very different people! Bette Midler is very involved with parks, city gardens, horticultural education and the environment.

  4. Wall effectively blocks off any view of the Pacific. Apparently he believes he owns the view too. Heart hurts for the locals

  5. Why build a wall, are there border patrol keeping locals out from picking wild fruit growing on da property? He won’t last as long as the Original Hawaiian Kingdom. He will be conquered and the conquest will go down as one of the greatest victory of Hawaiian history. Like his software programs his legacy will be smothered into nothing but a nerd’s accomplished flukes. History will not look kindly upon his greed of property and respect of da Hawaiian Kingdom!

  6. I’m so glad that public access to beaches is always allowed no matter who purchases the properties around it. However, it is sad that a property that could be traced back to the Kingdom of Hawaii went to someone who may live there part time and seems to be buying up more land to keep the locals away, but has no real connection to Kauai or it’s history. Just another billionaire with too much money. Would be nice if he used some of his vast wealth to give back to the community there. Thank you.

  7. Look people, 25 bathrooms may sound excessive, but that’s only 1 bathroom for every 3000 SF of house. You need to keep these things in perspective.

  8. Another example of unbridled greed. 75k sf and 25 br? Slightly out of touch, Markie. So much for living the Aloha life.
    Mahalo for the video as well. I kept wondering where he got (purchased?) all that lava rock for the ridiculous wall. I certainly hope no ancient/sacred sites were disturbed obtaining it.
    So sad.

  9. Imagine what the guys are thinking that got a measly $65m from Zuckerberg for stealing their Facebook idea. Watch out Hawaii, Zuckerberg may just buy all of the islands. I truly hope he leaves it undeveloped.

  10. My wife and I have been going to Kauai since 1992, sad to see Hawaiin families sell off large portions of their heritage to one person. The heritage, history, culture and beauty is what brings us to the island, not somebody that owns a home with 25 bathrooms.

  11. A much bigger concern than the road leading to the trail head to Larsen’s beach is whether the path down to the beach will continue to be open. The land owner has been trying for years to fence this off and close the trail for years. I fear that Zuckerberg with his vast wealth will be able to accomplish this.

    1. Most of the people in kauai have limited choices. There’s literally whole family’s that a driven to living on the beach because they can’t afford rent. These people are employed, but all thee average expenses and rent exceed their pay so they sell the land.Bette Middler has so much property I was at one in wailua homestead. Most was given as a gift from a greedy politician she probably doesn’t know.

  12. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    As many including myself have predicted Zuckerberg along with island elite’s are looking to take advantage of the pandemic to change the social economic makeup of Kauai.

    Plans are in place to slow tourism to the island by making short term rental condo ownership a thing of the past. The same is happening on Maui where 3 of my close friends saw the scales tip and have found non-resident owner of a short term rental condo unsustainable.

    Don’t worry with the inflated condo values all made out like bandits when they sold their properties.

    All the right people are on board with this change to Kauai. Retires, government, island elites and Zuckerberg the days of cheap lodging on Kauai are coming to an end.

  13. Stood next to the guy in the buffet line at mutual friend’s BD party years ago in Palo Alto. Was a formal affair (jackets, ties), but he was in jeans with a grey hoodie.

    Anyway, 75000 SF with 25 bathrooms makes for some excellent social distancing possibilities. Or they could house all the people that they just removed (or tried to remove) from the Anini beach park. (I keed)

  14. I think its sad we allow the super rich to just buy up everything and block off access to the beaches which are all supposed to be publicly accessible. Facebook needs to go away.

    1. Sadly, I’m afraid that one day I may not get to go home! Zuckerberg will end up buying out my entire family, because they won’t be able to afford to live there anymore. It’ll be like the “displacement” of my paternal family, the Native Americans! All this from the guy WHO is against the southern border wall!!


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