Zuckerberg Kauai 1-2-3 Punch Troubles

Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes

A big contractor’s lien, feelings of being punched in the gut, and rumored visions of a private Kauai yacht harbor.

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37 thoughts on “Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes”

  1. But we all know if we follow the money and his multi-million dollar pay outs to institutions like University of Hawaii he could easily do the same to fund a DLNR or some other state program. Hell, they let millionaires all over Hawaii dig up ancestral remains of kanaka maoli despite vocal and adamant protest to build their beach front homes. What’s to stop them Freon doing the same to an entire reef system already destroyed by Pflueger(a property which he now also owns.). Not to mention the initial property purchase of Kuleana land that he paid off Carlos Andrade to sue his own family to sell out to Zuckerberg. Andrade I have heard just died within the last two years. The ancestors on Kauai and the energy will teach him eventually.

    1. And we also know that the DLNR is known to be corrupt. Allowing the bleaching of the reefs and evening being apart of it. So it would actually surprise me if this is legit. It’s disgusting,sickening and just wrong on so many levels!!

  2. Punch #4 he is also being sued for the negligence in the death of Rodney Medieros after offering this guys family $7500 dollars for his loss of wages. That doesn’t even cover their funeral costs probably. $7500 dollars is a slap in the face when you consider he probably pays that or more in one week to fly in his private MMA coach to roll around on his mats at his home gym.

    Punch #5 In terms of good PR concerning ecological reef management; he and his wife donated $50 million dollars to the University of Hawaii’s reef research program recently just before this whistleblower dropped the news he intended to destroy an entire reef system on Kauai. Word on the coconut wireless that these are just the rumors of an ex-disgruntled employee.

  3. 1 of our county council members work for Zuckerberg. Kanashiro quit his grove farm gig and now is on team Zuch. And I’ve heard the most recent piece of land he purchased mauka he wants to put a small airplane landing strip.

  4. I’ll never understand the mind of a billionaire. At what stage are they happy & fulfilled in life? Why do they need to continue to work? It really seems like the joy comes from destroying & conquering things.

    1. Juan,

      “Why do they need to continue to work?”

      Because their work makes your life better or more enjoyable.
      Don’t be an ingrate, it’s not a good look.

  5. Zuckerberg has no regard for nature or local residents, and yes he does own Ulysses. I witnessed his disregard for the Very quiet residential Moorea cove I was staying in, when I woke up one morning, and there it was parked right in the middle of the cove obscuring everyone’s views. And for the next 3 days subjected all of us to the obnoxious takeoff and landing of his private helicopter flying back and forth off the yacht picking up guests, jet skis running amok, tender engines, and the yacht lights at night were beyond obnoxious. The yacht lights were so bright and disruptive, I sent a light morse code message to turn them down or off, with no response. Expect the same disregard and lack of respect if his yacht is parked in Kauai.

  6. Zuckerberg seems to surround himself with controversy. Hiring people to do construction work, even if it is done to perfection, and not paying on completion is pure arrogant and infantile behavior. That fits Mark like a tailored suit, just remember how he took care of the people who “helped” create Facebook! Reefs are Ecologically Important until they are problematic and then Fodder for Explosives, His Yacht needs a home too. The phone, a bane to Tranquility, hire better people and pay them well. Not too difficult for peace on Kauai, is it? The Woes of Zuckerberg, a new show?

  7. I care for him not. I hope the makaha sons are able to run him off. Send him to the arctic. It is better suited to his temperament.

  8. …“detonate a portion of Pilaa reef on Kauai to extend his TMK & build a private marina.”

    I can’t say for certain, obviously, but detonating part of a reef in Hawaii will only be allowed to happen sometime after the heat death of the universe. Requiring everyone in the United States to give me $2.00 is also “a very real proposal”, but it has an equal likelihood of happening: none at all.

    1. When the Zuck wants something he typically gets it, he will offer to sink a large boat further off of the coast, maybe 2, creating a new reef. A few steak dinners and a “plentiful” handshake or 2 and it’s a done deal, that’s the way it’s done. Wealth has its own privileges and Marky Z takes advantage of them all just because he can. Immortality and Illegalities aside, those are for lesser people than he, he’s living His Dreams while creating nightmares for everyone else, can hardly wait for his next few projects, maybe an airport runway or three to reduce the number of housing units and a whole lot of trees! He’s Bold, Unruly and Brash and get in His way, he’ll turn everything in to Ash. It’s a Zucker’s World!

    2. Wailapa Stream is bone dry. As a resident of Kauai for over 44 years, even after Koloko damn disaster, we had water in the Stream. It is now bone dry and rumours are abounding. Why? Other streams are flowing, but Koloko is shut off. A honest reason is all I ask.

      1. Yes. Wailapa Stream is bone dry. No more prawns. No more night blue heron, no more life other than the rats and the wild boar using it as a runway up and down the valley.

        Yet there are 3 streams exiting the Zuckerberg Pila’a property into the ocean which are running. Since Zuckerberg now owns the KaLoko dam property, I suspect he is diverting all the water to his Pila’a property.

        Unfair and likely illegal. Where is the DLNR on this issue? No where to be found. Who in the government is clean and motivated to take up this issue?


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