116 thoughts on “Updated: Restrictions, Vaccine Passport, Shutdown? | Nearly 1K Cases Again Today”

  1. Aloha guys! I so appreciate your efforts to keep us all informed. Especially since nobody else seems to be very clear on any of this!

  2. Aloha, and mahalo for keeping us informed. We were very sad to cancel our mid-September 25th anniversary trip to Kauai, which we did this morning. Even with trip insurance, under these circumstances it is costing us $2800 to reschedule to next May on too short of notice. Not easy for everyday working people like us. I really hope things improve, others get vaccinated, and this pandemic is conquered soon. We love Kauai and only want the best for this island and her people. Be safe everyone! Mahalo.

    1. Hi Carol.

      Thanks for letting us know. We look forward to welcoming you back next May. And congratulations!


  3. Ok – the whole “no tents or canopies” thing is a bit ridiculous. So now the ‘Rona can tell if people are gathered under a canopy or not? Being OUTSIDE is one of the best preventative measures. Even Fauci has stated as much on multiple occasions. The spread outdoors is significantly less probable.

    We love the Hawaiian Islands and hope the spread gets under control quickly; otherwise, the struggling recovery is only going to be hurt even more. I’ve got friends that have left the islands because of all the terrible governing that is going on there.

    1. Amen on the “being outside” remark. I just got back from a 700-mile pedal from Miami to Charleston(SC). From Jacksonville north, I could easily count on two hands the number of people that I saw wearing masks(for whatever reason that is).
      On the other hand, there was the story of the woman in Jacksonville(last year; can’t post link here), she stayed inside for months. First night out? Contracted COVID. If you surpress your immune system to that level….well, the conversation that needs to be had is,”the American lifestyle is unhealthy, poisonous, get outside.” But I don’t see this topic even being in the narrative.
      I do understand somewhat, a little bit anyway, the history of the islands☹️”enlightened visitors”, colonizers with dark souls, terrible intentions, bringing plague and disease to the islands. Disgusting people.
      In 2021 though…..it’s 2021.
      And Hawaii’s outdoors are healing. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  4. Sorry if I should already know this, but are these “vaccination passports” something that the state of Hawaii will issue to residents and visiting no-residents alike? I was thinking the “passport” is just a buzzword for the piece of paper that has your shot types and dates on it?

    Does this mean the poor L&L BBQ window worker has to inspect and/or electrically verify a customer’s “passport” before they will let said customer eat their saimin bowl while sitting at the outside bench table?

    1. Hi David.

      Guess we will all learn that together since there hasn’t been any further clarification beyond that it will work in a fashion similar to Safe Travels. And getting that all working in the next 10 days sounds about the same as getting the highway reopened in September. Bon weekend.


  5. We are planning to go to Big Island in November, thank you you for all the information you post here. We have a 2-people pop-up tent, is that really prohibited now?

  6. It seems to me the common statement in this (and most past posts) is that Hawaii is “waiting” and “reviewing” instead of acting. How many more days of record high Covid cases (and deaths) before the “wait and see” becomes a reality. Hawaii already went through this last year, but everyone in Govt is acting like the best thing to do is keep waiting to see what happens tomorrow, next week and next month. Does the Mayor of Maui really think visitors are going to just stay at their resorts and not venture out because he’s asked them to?

  7. Thank you for the most recent updates. We leave for Kauai Sept 1st. Can you please clarify exactly how the vaccine passports work? I’ve already loaded our CDC issued COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards into the Safe Travels website. Is that enough or do I need to download into one of these ‘passport’ websites too? We will of course do the airline pre-screen to get our wristbands before boarding our Flt from SMF. Thank you for your help again!!

    1. Hi Suzanna.

      As we mentioned in response to the same question from David, we have thus far seen no details. And we aren’t sure, based on that, how it can even be implemented in the timeframe indicated by the governor.


      1. Just saw David’s post
        Don’t envy him or you guys. We appreciate how difficult it is & the kind aloha way we are always shown when we visit
        Take care & stay safe. Mahalo!

  8. We so enjoyed our stay in Waikiki in early August. So glad we were able to see family & have our Granddaughter get married before things got so much worse. Everyone needs to get vaccinated🌺

    1. Stop pushing the vaccine. I work for a local hospital in a different state. I have seen more hospital related positive covids after the vaccine! I wish I could shout from the rooftops, but I need my job. *hint*(job title hint) I see more details on what happens each day with a covid positive patient than a frontline worker. Any guesses what my job title is? No vaccine for me EVER!

      1. Not at all surprised to hear this, DK.

        I have heard this same thing from a few people I know in the medical field that are working directly with patients. Stay safe, and I hope they don’t try and force you to be vaccinated. The last thing we need is a 20, 30, or 50% shortage of medical personnel, because they are trying to force you guys to take a drug that has far too little testing behind it…

        1. its not hard to find data from the states themselves that show that 20-40% of hospitalizations and deaths in last six weeks are among the vaccinated. Its time for Hawaii to get serious and mandate testing for ALL visitors and stop pretending the vaxxes of dudious efficay will save them.

          1. The reason it’s not hard to find is there are so many people pushing misinformation.
            Go to reputable sources, and you will find about 90 percent of the hospitalized cases are unvaccinated on average….it’s not hard to find information supporting Chemtrails either, doesn’t mean it’s so.
            For the life of me I just can’t understand why some people are so willing to spread misinformation when the choice they are trying to talk people out of could save their life. Not wanting to get vaccinated is one thing, but trying to talk others into foregoing something that could save their life is mind boggling to me.

        2. “Stop pushing the vaccine. I work for a local hospital in a different state. I have seen more hospital related positive covids after the vaccine! I wish I could shout from the rooftops, but I need my job. *hint*(job title hint) I see more details on what happens each day with a covid positive patient than a frontline worker. Any guesses what my job title is? No vaccine for me EVER!”

          DANGEROUS NARRATIVE. Anyone can post this. I can say the complete opposite. To all that are reading please check the facts. Don’t believe everything you read. Vaccines work to reduce the need for ICU. The numbers where I come from don’t lie. (Ontario, Canada)

      2. My sister ran a Covid unit in a Bay Area hospital for over a year and the lack of knowledge on vaccination is frightening. Stop watching news. Go to real medical sites, like Johns Hopkins or Mayo Clinic or Stanford to get accurate info on vaccines.

        1. Here’s the actual numbers from King County in Washington as of Aug 27.

          ” Duchin said…… among our 1.5 million fully vaccinated residents, about four-tenths of one percent had a positive test following vaccination. About one one-hundredth of one percent have been hospitalized for COVID-19 and about two one-thousandth of one percent have died due to COVID-19.”

          He’s a little more qualified then any of us posting on here…..

          Jeffrey Duchin, M.D. is the Health Officer and the Chief of the Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization Section for Public Health–Seattle & King County, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington, Seattle. Jeff currently serves on the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s (CDC) Board of Scientific Counselors (Office of Infectious Diseases) and the Board of Directors for the Infectious Disease Society of America where he is the IDSA liaison to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

          He’s not lying, this isn’t fake news, he’s just putting out the actual numbers that they have. When someone says “all the experts are wrong and I know better” perhaps it’s wise to give their perspective the skepticism that so many are using to undermine the experts. There is a traveling nurse from Florida that’s spreading all manor of misinformation and pure lies…she had on her Facebook page that one Palm Beach Hospital was all unvaccinated patients in the ICU. Complete fabrication yet she has a ton of followers.
          On one side of this debate you have actual numbers indicating the vaccines to be a far safer option then going unvaccinated and on the other you have some understandable trepidation, a lot of misinformation, some outright lies and frankly some genuine crazy perspectives.
          Something to think about anyway.

          1. those numbers are meaningless.

            if you check the percentage of cases among the unvaxxed it is slightly higher but also extremely low

            this is one of the disinfo narratives circulating though official sources. The other is that “99.x% of the hospitalized/dead were unvaccinated!”

            The reality is anyone that cites this latter narrative is including all the hospitalizations/deaths from the pre-vax surge in january to boost their numbers

            COVID is real, and deadly to some people
            the COVID fear porn is entirely manipulated to control a population, and is easily recognized

          2. Correct Jamie, even the fda approval uses data only up to March 13. It does not include delta. I wonder why that is since they actually have the data. It’s the same data they originally used to say it March they were at 93%. Israel states the vaccine is 39 percent effective now which is below the 50 percent guideline the fda always uses. Could that be why? I’ll let the people decide. When green and the rest spout of the ridiculous numbers it really is a disservice to the population. I have worked with healthcare data the last 20 years and nothing I mean nothing is 99.7 percent. If we ever get that number we have a red flag that we are calculating something wrong. Where is the science? Science questions all I see is agendas and narratives.

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