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Hawaiian Airlines To Require All Employees Be Vaccinated

Why Hawaiian Airlines just became the 3rd US airline. Full vaccine approval and airline vaccination mandates are closely tied.

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46 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines To Require All Employees Be Vaccinated”

  1. If you work for an airline and are against getting vaccinated why not go work in a new field. Let’s be real airlines pay garbage and who wants to put up with the people they have to.
    Kids working at In and out are getting $19 an hour. This will backfire on the airlines and we will see more cancellations and delays. What’s the point in vaccinating employees but not the passengers? They are all in a steel tube together breathing tha same air.

    1. I’ll say this, I agree, that everyone on the airplane should be vaccinated. Note that the cruise lines are trying to do this and are being fought tooth and nail by the same people who don’t want to get the vaccine and now have a HUGE surge and hospitals filling up with unvaccinated people.

  2. Thank you for this post and for keeping us informed of all the latest and ever changing requirements to visit Hawaii. We fly HAL on every trip to Hawaii and am relieved to know that the crew will all be vaccinated soon. Yes, this is America, yes, you have the right to not agree w/ the company policy. And Yes! You have the right to go and work elsewhere. Dealing with the public should require one to be Unselfish and HAL’s policy reflects just that! Mahalo.

  3. BOH. Looking at some of the replies it really looks like someone is pointing an upside down ray at the US from orbit. These arguments against vaccination is plain ludicrous. What has happened to America? Never have I been so glad to live on Kaua’i as now. For the most part we wear a mask as a sign of our Aloha for others. We vaccinated to protect our Kapuna, now we must vaccinate to protect our unvaccinated keiki. We do this to protect ourselves and each other. Oh what a world. Kaua’i needs the world but the the world needs Kaua’i. As long as we follow Public Health guidelines we will be waiting for the world to return as Americans have flocked to our special shores. Aloha

    1. Speaking for myself. I am not against vaccinations. I am against being forced too. It should not be forced. Its our constitutional right.

      1. The Us Supreme Court held more than 100 years ago that vaccinations can be required when there is a public health emergency.

        1. Did the US Supreme Court, uphold that you can force people to vaccinate with an experimental drug that’s proven to kill, disable and destroy people’s lives? I think you’re comparing apples to oranges here, Paul B.

          There are specific issues with this particular vaccine that will be legally challenged, by constitutional lawyers, because of it’s rush to market, and the blanket immunity from lawsuits for manufacturers. Should the Government try to force this on people, we could be looking at the next civil war. It appears many would rather risk dying on a battlefield of their own free will, than being forced to take something that has even the smallest potential chance to kill or disable them.

  4. It seems to me that vaccines aren’t the end of the story since there have been many nationwide cases of fully vaccinated coming up Covid positive and therefore able to spread Covid. Mandatory pre travel testing seems to be a no brainer to really curb Covid cases. It needs to be for everyone arriving by plane, regardless of what state they live in.

      1. It is also funny (actually not) that the variants keep coming up because there are some people who will not get vaccinated. Simple science.

        1. It’s also funny that people would ever think that virus variants won’t continue to evolve, if Everyone in the world gets vaccinated, especially from a vaccine that doesn’t KILL the virus.

          Since a virus needs a living organisms to survive, they are continually trying to NOT die from vaccines that may keep them from surviving; hence, they mutate to different variants. Not really “Simple science” at all. 🤦‍♂️

          1. All of these messages from armchair experts are exhausting. Just because you can find something to boost your opinion somewhere on the internet doesn’t mean you’re right. There are organizations that employ people who have specific expertise and many years of experience in this area such as the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH, etc. Anything not coming from that kind of source is, in my opinion, suspect and that includes armchair experts who have “done their own research”.

            For those that are interested in understanding how vaccines work take a look at this page on the CDC website: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html

  5. I will feel a lot better about flying if I know that all of the airline’s employees are vaccinated.

    1. 🤣😂🤣 So let me get this straight.

      You knowing that the 6 (or so) employees you come in direct contact with, who you will now know are vaccinated, that you still know can contract and spread this virus; a couple of which you will not be able to maintain social distancing with for an entire 4-5 hour flight duration (to/from Hawaii), on a giant steel 20 foot tube; while also knowing you will have to pass literally hundreds of other people (vaccinated or not) in at least 2 airports; several who you won’t be able to social distance from; then fly with 200+ other people, of whom 8 or more will be sitting within 6 feet (not social distancing), and none of whom you know whether they have tested or are vaccinated; when clearly it’s been reported that a lot of locals choose to do quarantine rather than test, and suddenly NOW you’re going to “feel a lot better about flying”? ROFL…Uh yeah, that makes Total sense! SMH 🙄

      The logic behind your statements sometimes is utterly mind boggling, Joerg…🤦‍♂️

    1. It doesn’t really add any significant barrier, when vaccinated people can still catch and transmit the virus. It’s a very minute percentage at best…Although the airlines with their hepa-filtration systems make it a fairly safe way to travel. You’re better off in an airplane, with fully masked people than in a Walmart, for sure! 😉

      1. Jim it sounds like you do understand that it’s a very minute percentage of vaccinated people that can catch and spread the virus??
        That’s a true statement, vaccinated people are way less likely to spread the virus.
        Oddly enough there are people very deep in the internet rabbit hole that don’t get that concept.

  6. Medical fascism is never ok. Ever. Thinking any employer (or anyone) can tell YOU what to put in your body is ludicrous. Without bodily autonomy – medical freedom – there is NO freedom.

    1. Where to start, but the bottom line is that these are private businesses that have the “right” to put any limit on employment that they like, within reason. So they have the “right” to say that you have to be vaccinated to work there, and their employees or potential employees have the right to work elsewhere. Most states, for example, are “at-will” employment states. this is something the Right has wanted for years, and now that it’s here, they are complaining about it. LOL

  7. Wow! What happened to the peoples constitutional rights and freedoms? You have the right to drink alcohol and drive even though its against the law? You have the right to smoke cigarettes’ knowing that there is a message on each pack stating, WARNING: THE SURGEON GENERAL HAS DETERMINED THAT CIGARETTE SMOKING IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. You have the right to eat whatever you want knowing that you may die from a heart attack or stroke after your second bypass surgery. I could list more, but just these examples alone tells me that I have not seen any government official or company official governing me against these dangerous tasks like they have with this virus. Why? Because its unconstitutional!

    1. Au contraire You DO NOT have the “right” to drink & drive. No more than you have the “right “ to go through a red light. As a matter of fact you don’t even have the “right” to drive. It’s a legal “ privilege “ in most states. Not a right.

      1. You missed the point. Exceeding the posted speed limit is against the law, but yet its not speeding unless your caught. No one is forcing you that you cannot drink and drive. Its up to the individual to make that choice. It should be the constitutional right of the individual to believe that he/she wants the vaccine or not. The people must not be forced against their constitutional right.

        1. I think you’re not thinking through your own analogy. Once you are caught “speeding”, you cannot argue that you can’t be prosecuted because you have a “right” to drive while intoxicated since you have a right to choose what to put into your body.

          But honestly, I wouldn’t care if people choose not to get the vaccine, as long as they were the only ones who were getting hospitalized and/or dying. Unfortunately, THEIR choice also affects other people (sort of like the drinking and driving example), and therefore, if you want to live in a civilized society, sometimes you have to think about someone else and not just yourself. Typically, when this is something REALLY important, like for example when there’s a deadly disease floating around, then we make rules (declarations of a public health emergency), etc. that provide us with guidelines. That’s not a violation of your rights, it’s called being a decent human being who cares about others.

  8. I disagree with requiring airlines or any employer to require vaccinations. That goes against American values. We don’t even know the long term effects, what’s really in the vaccination, and it’s still not FDA approved. When and if people start getting fired for not being vaccinated, don’t be surprised when they start suing employers.

    1. It’s already been tried, and the lawsuits were tossed out of court. Remember, most states are “at-will” employment, which pretty much means that the employer can fire you for any reason … or no reason at all. Under the law it’s considered a “health and safety work rule”, and the employer is well within their legal right to fire you if you refuse to get vaconated. It’s already been tested in the courts. Also, you will very likely NOT be eligible for unemployment if you’re fired, so please don’t listen to the FUD going around about that either. Finally, most of the airlines are waiting for final FDA approval (although the vaccines DO have Emergency Use Approval right now), which appears to be coming over the next few weeks or months. I wonder what excuse the anti-vaxers will use once full FDA approval is granted?

      1. Joerg H
        AUGUST 10, 2021 AT 10:10 AM

        “It’s already been tried, and the lawsuits were tossed out of court.”

        False Joerg. There are still continuing and ongoing lawsuits being filed, and there are multiple legal sites you can check to verify this statement is absolutely incorrect. There have been very few cases “tossed out” and literally more and more are being filed daily across the country.

        “Also, you will very likely NOT be eligible for unemployment if you’re fired…”

        Wrong again Joerg…

        In every state with “at will” employment, there are “wrongful termination” exception laws. In some of those states there are covenant of good faith and fair dealings agreements, among other exceptions to “at will” employment, and if an employer can’t prove a justifiable cause for termination, you can absolutely collect unemployment with a judgement in your favor.

        There are also ways to make sure you do not have to take this vaccine, stay employed by your employer, and likely be successful in a lawsuit, should you get fired. It’s why Hawaiian Airlines is NOT gong to be able to force All their employees to get vaccinated. Two of the reasons are listed in the 3rd sentence of this article, when you actually read it:
        “CEO Peter Ingram said that there would be exceptions for medical or religious reasons…”.

        Feel free to search phrases like: “at will employment and wrongful termination”–“employers and covid vaccines what’s legal or not” or “active covid 19 lawsuits”–“50-state Update on Pending Legislation Pertaining to Employer-mandated Vaccinations”, and definitely stop listening or believing people like this, who consistently feed you misinformation, whether intentional or not.

  9. I know that this is a very divisive topic, but you can be pro vaccine and still be against mandates. What I foresee happening with Hawaiian and United is the same thing that has happened with other businesses that have required employees to receive the vaccine. An industry that is already struggling with a shortage of pilots and a multitude of flight cancellations will likely see this become even more of a problem as employees take early retirements or just quit. Planes cannot fly without qualified pilots and the proper number of flight attendants. If there is mass exodus because of this mandate, there will be no one to blame for your cancelled flights but the executives themselves. The Hawaiian Air and United shareholders had best brace themselves for turbulent times ahead. It will be interesting to see how much influence ALPA, the AFA and the airline mechanic’s unions ultimately have over this mandate.

    1. Nice to see a voice of sound reason, who can see the bigger picture…well said Sheryl.

      I agree with the potential that what you foresee could happen, but they may be able to weather the storm, if they don’t press the issue with employees, by making difficult working conditions should they choose the option of medical or religious reasons. 👍

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